
Version control of missions

Page history last edited by davros123 16 years, 3 months ago

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Version control of missions

While testing (ie. 0.1)

One of the big challenges when making a mission is to keep track of just what version you are playing.  The easiest way to do this is to change the world_info.xml to display a new name in the map list.

Open up the world_info.xml in an XML editor (XML Marker) and change the following line so that it will appear as a different name when you list the maps in the game...ie.

<world_info name="quarry" mission_time="day">


<world_info name="quarry_v0.1" mission_time="day">


This also has the advantage of preventing two people playing different versions of the same map that have the same name.  The game, interestingly, appears to only check the name of the map when playing others, and not the actual contents of the bundle/xml.  This can cause issues when testing.  So, to avoid you and others getting confused by what version of your map you are playing, remember to update the name in the world.xml as you release different versions.

Different versions of the same map (ie. coop_dam_v7)

This can be complex, or easy.  It's easy when the map is a "base" map from the original game (ie. ogr_quarry or ogr_dam)...it much more complex if the map has been released by a modder and uses custom textures etc.


So, let's keep it simple to start with...for base maps from the original game (ie. ogr_quarry or ogr_dam), you simply...

  1. change the name in the world_info.xml as per above to have a version number that no one else has used for that map
  2. change the name of the folder you are bundeling to match the version...ie. C:\Program Files\UBISOFT\bundler\coop_quarry_v1
  3. bundle it and release it :)


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