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Placing mexicans and setting paths

Placing mexicans and setting patrol paths from davros on Vimeo

Placing mexicans and setting paths - part2 from davros on Vimeo.


Do not use groups larger than 4 or they will not move.


Also, the point of the patrol path is to make your mexicans (AI) move. if you do not set a patrol path, and instead use just a guard order, they may move about within the patrol area, but not in a scheduled way..and mostly they just sit there. I like to allow people to sneak past the enemy, to do that the mexicans must move about...ie. have a patrol path. So, on the whole, I recomend using patrol paths (ping pong & loop) for the majority of the mexicans and it allows the players a chance to move past them without having to kill them every time...plus it's more realistic that they do move about and patrol.


Also note that when using characters whether for Guard, Patrol or Sniper try to avoid characters with the ag_ prefix as these are for the Agea Physx engine and as such are very CPU hungry. This can be a bit awkward in the editor as sometimes the full character name is obscurred, the easiest and quickest way is to use any character whilst in the editor, then once you have saved and exited the editor, open up your world.xml file with an XML editor, do a search for "ag_" and delete the ag_ prefix off the character name, pressing find again in the search box will automatically take you to the next character with the prefix ag_ keep doing this until the search box returns the message "ag_ string not found" and all your characters will have been re-named, for example "ag_mexican_mercenary" with the ag_ prefix deleted would be "mexican_mercenary". 


Enemy groups and their kits

The following is taken from group_manager.xml

<!-- Mex Special forces Groups -->

  @eight_man_squad( mex_special_forces_patrol              , 2 , mex_sf_rifleman_01             , mex_sf_rifleman_02                  , mex_sf_rifleman_03              , mex_sf_rifleman_04        , mex_sf_rifleman_05                  , mex_sf_rifleman_06     , mex_sf_rifleman_07              , mex_sf_rifleman_08  )   

  @four_man_squad ( mex_special_forces_patrol_night        , 2 , mex_sf_rifleman_night_01 , mex_sf_rifleman_night_02     , mex_sf_rifleman_night_03  , mex_sf_rifleman_night_04  )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_special_forces_heavy               , 2 , mex_sf_support_01        , mex_sf_support_02            , mex_sf_support_03         , mex_sf_support_04         )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_special_forces_heavy_night         , 2 , mex_sf_rifleman_night_01 , mex_sf_rifleman_night_02     , mex_sf_rifleman_night_03  , mex_sf_support_02         )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_special_forces_recon               , 2 , mex_sf_recon_01          , mex_sf_recon_02              , mex_sf_recon_03           , mex_sf_recon_04           )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_special_forces_vehicle_passangers  , 2 , mex_sf_rifleman_01       , mex_sf_rifleman_06           , mex_sf_rifleman_07        , mex_sf_support_04         )

  @three_man_squad( mex_special_forces_vehicle_crew        , 2 , mex_sf_driver                  , mex_sf_gunner                            , mex_sf_gunner                         )

  @two_man_squad  ( mex_special_forces_grenadier           , 2 , mex_sf_grenadier_01      , mex_sf_grenadier_02                )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_heavy_sniper        , 2 , mex_sf_heavy_sniper_01        )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_light_sniper        , 2 , mex_sf_light_sniper_01        )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_sniper              , 2 , mex_sf_sniper_01              )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_rpg                 , 2 , mex_sf_rpg_01                 )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_guard               , 2 , mex_sf_guard_01               )

  @single_guy     ( mex_special_forces_guardb              , 2 , mex_sf_guard_02               )

<!-- Mex Mercenary Groups -->

  @eight_man_squad( mex_mercenary_patrol                   , 2 , mex_merc_rifleman_01     , mex_merc_rifleman_02                  , mex_merc_rifleman_03              , mex_merc_rifleman_04        , mex_merc_rifleman_05             , mex_merc_rifleman_06             , mex_merc_rifleman_07              , mex_merc_rifleman_08  )   

  @four_man_squad ( mex_mercenary_patrol_night             , 2 , mex_merc_rifleman_night_01  , mex_merc_rifleman_night_02    , mex_merc_rifleman_night_03     , mex_merc_support_04              )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_mercenary_heavy                    , 2 , mex_merc_support_03         , mex_merc_rifleman_02          , mex_merc_rifleman_03           , mex_merc_rifleman_04             )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_mercenary_heavy_night              , 2 , mex_merc_rifleman_night_04  , mex_merc_support_02           , mex_merc_rifleman_night_03     , mex_merc_rifleman_04             )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_mercenary_recon                    , 2 , mex_merc_recon_01           , mex_merc_recon_02             , mex_merc_recon_03              , mex_merc_recon_04               )

  @four_man_squad ( mex_mercenary_vehicle_passangers       , 2 , mex_merc_rifleman_01        , mex_merc_rifleman_02          , mex_merc_rifleman_03           , mex_merc_support_02             )

  @three_man_squad( mex_mercenary_vehicle_crew                 , 2 , mex_merc_driver                      , mex_merc_driver                            , mex_merc_driver                     )

  @single_guy     ( mex_mercenary_sniper                   , 2 , mex_merc_sniper           )

  @single_guy     ( mex_mercenary_heavy_sniper             , 2 , mex_merc_heavy_sniper     )

  @single_guy     ( mex_mercenary_rpg                      , 2 , mex_merc_rpg              )



The following unit's are "friendly"

Note, do not use the group, "friendly" it will cause a crash, "cant find member: ghost_ai_data in type <void>"

<!-- =================== FRIENDLY GROUPS ======================== -->      

  @four_man_squad ( us_marines_squad                 , 1 ,    us_marines_leader , us_marines             , us_marines_support     , us_marines          )

  @four_man_squad ( loyalists                              , 1 ,    loyalist_leader   , loyalist_02         , loyalist_support_02    , loyalist_01          )

  @four_man_squad ( loyalists_passengers         , 1 ,    loyalist_leader   , loyalist_02         , loyalist_support_02    , loyalist_01          )

  @three_man_squad( loyalists_crew                , 1 , loyalist_leader   , loyalist_02            , loyalist_support_02 ) 

  @single_guy     ( littlebird_crew                      , 1 , new_pilot_day               )

  @single_guy     ( littlebird_crew_night         , 1 , new_pilot_night             )

  @single_guy     ( blackhawk_prisoner            , 1 , blackhawk_prisoner          )

    @two_man_squad_fix  ( stryker_crew              , 1 , stryker_driver            , stryker_codriver )

  @two_man_squad          ( invisilbe_stryker_crew, 1 ,    invisible_man            , invisible_man    )   

  @two_man_squad_fix  ( tank_crew                    , 1 , us_tank_crew_leader  , us_tank_crew     )

  @two_man_squad_fix  ( bravo_team                , 1 , bravo_team                    , bravo_team       )

  @four_man_squad_fix ( blackhawk_crew             , 1 ,    new_pilot_day     , new_gunner           , new_gunner                    , new_pilot_day      )

  @four_man_squad_fix ( blackhawk_crew_night    , 1 ,    new_pilot_night   , new_gunner_night, new_gunner_night        , new_pilot_night )

  @four_man_squad_fix ( loyalist_squad             , 1 , loyalist_leader   , loyalist_02         , loyalist_support_02    , loyalist_01          )


Placing Snipers 

Placing snipers from davros on Vimeo.

Placing snipers is different from placing other humans in a number of ways.

1)      the game crashes regularly when selecting the sniper type (It does for me, perhaps not for you).

2)      snipers have an arc of focus which you need to set. They will look outside this area if there is a fight on, but this is their main focus.

3)      snipers do not move...but they do shuffle in and out of sight

4)      snipers do not need to be placed where there is an AI graph to operate...ie. you can put them on towers where there is no AI graph.

5)      snipers can have a standing, crouched or ai selected stance.

6)      snipers do not have to have a sniper weapon.  Try mixing it up a bit and give them other kits like mex_mercenary_rpg" for an RPG or even group="mex_mercenary_heavy1" for a heavy machine gun and place them in sneaky spots.


Given that my editor crashes when I place a sniper (though yours may not), I choose to do snipers as follows. 

I recomend that you try placing the sniper from within the editor and it that works fine for you, great - do it that way, if it does crash for you too, then use the following method….

1)      place enemy soldier, leave their order as guard

2)      give then a group name of sniperxx – where xx is the group that the sniper will belong to. I name snipers in logical groups in which they spawn. Eg. If the two snipers are is spawned at the same time, call them sniper01. Another set of snipers may all be called sniper02 etc.

3)      select the weapon you want them to have (ie. the group...I usually use group="mex_special_forces_sniper" but you can use group="mex_mercenary_rpg" for an RPG or even group="mex_mercenary_heavy1" for a heavy machine gun).

4)      save the map and exit the GRAW editor (Alt-F4)

5)      open up world.xml using XML Marker

6)      search for "sniper"

7)      edit the xml so that the order for the sniper is “Sniper” or “SniperStanding” or SniperKneeling”

The xml in the world.xml for this sniper (human) will now look something like this...

            <unit name="group_unit" group="mex_special_forces_sniper" group_id="sniper01" vehicle_id="none" crew="false">
                <order order="Sniper" source_pos="2145.1924 16195.359 389.68228" order_pos="-12870.129 3368.4419 1498.0568" patrol_type="moveguard_recon">
                    <waypoint position="2145.1924 16195.359 389.68228"/>
                <position pos_x="-7419.2026" pos_y="3051.3232" pos_z="462.11737"/>
                <rotation yaw="0" pitch="0" roll="0"/>


Now, go back into the editor and you’ll see that the units you places have changed to snipers and have a cone which shows the area of focus for the sniper.You can move this cone by left clicking on the sniper to select the unit, then click with mouse button 3 (the wheel button on my mouse) where you want the snipers cone to be focussed.

I usually place all my snipers at once in the GRAW editor, set the weapon (group) for just one of them , and then change the weapon for all the others in the world.xml file (using XML Marker) as it’s easier that way.


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