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Crashes when loading a coop mission
Unhandled exception - access violation
Unhandled exception - access violation
C STACK: graw2 (???) : ??? ??? (???) : ???
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\units\ai\soldier\smovelogics.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\level\level.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded |
Unit called in script, not present in world.xml
How to manage/avoid
Use the correct name of the unit.
Crashes during a coop mission
cant find member: setup_grenade_ammo in type
Crash in application version: 30899.3048
data\lib\script_network\gametype\gametypecustom.dsf(-1): cant find member: setup_grenade_ammo in type
Renderer: threaded Physics : normal |
This only happened when trying to access the MULE. Happens playing any LAN, Web game or even just by solo.
How to manage/avoid
Say away from RPGs when accessing the MULE. Looks as though this is a global issue and the only way is to not have mules in the game.
blackhawk.dsf(-1): cant find member: _unit in type
Crash in application version: 30899.3048
data\lib\units\types\vehicles\blackhawk.dsf(-1): cant find member: _unit in type
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\managers\eventmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\eventmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\level\level.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : normal |
The error only occurs when you are running from a dedicated server. It seems there is something different about the coding for a dedicated server with respect to the Blackhawk. I was able to replicate the error on my local network by creating a dedicated server on one machine and connecting to it from another PC.
How to manage/avoid
The quick solution for me was to replace the Blackhawk with a little bird. I chose not to do this and instead spent some considerable time trying to understand why the Blackhawk would produce an error, but was unable to identify the exact reason. In my case it occurred when giving the Blackhawk and order to land at the helipad. I managed to get around it by using some very complicated scripting that avoided using the land command of the helicopter... and instead hovered it at ground level.
In this case, Legacy, the solution would be to replace the heli's that drop the Mexicans with a mi17 heli. Not as pretty, but it will work with a dedicated server.
Could not load texture because IDirect3D9::CreateTexture call failed.
Crash in application version: 30899.3048
Could not load texture because IDirect3D9::CreateTexture call failed. Direct3D does not have enough display memory to perform the operation.
Believed to be related to the map loading too many textures.This error is caused by too many textures on memory. Try lowering ur detail in game. For custom maps I suggest to check the texture scope in detail. Sometimes for just 1 building on the map u have to set a lot of textures packages.
How to manage/avoid
Check which texture sets are being loaded - you may be loading objects from a number of sets (city, hacienda, industrial) and these load all the texture maps into memory.
Better way for me is to set a map on 2 kind of buildings.
City - Shanty
shanty - industrial
Industrial - City
Hac - Shanty
This allows you to set just the shanty and industrial textures. Sometimes is good idea check some original maps like calavera. This map has 2 different type of buildings only. Shanty and Industrial. I think soo this the only way to save the amount of textures in memory.
member.dsf(-1): cant find member: inventory in type <Unit>
Crash in application version: 30899.3048
data\lib\script_network\member.dsf(-1): cant find member: inventory in type <Unit>
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\script_network\member.dsf(0) data\lib\script_network\gametype\membercustom.dsf(0) data\lib\script_network\identity.dsf(0) data\lib\script_network\networkmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\script_network\networkmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\level\level.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded |
<unit name="f15_husk" unit_id="2732" name_id="none" actor_id="none" vehicle_id="none" sequence_spawn="false" sequence_death="false" team_slot="17">
<position pos_x="12238.928" pos_y="-1584.1188" pos_z="2139.3286"/> <rotation yaw="0" pitch="0" roll="0"/>
For some reason, I'm sure I'll work it out, the game does not like this vehicle when run from a dedicated server. NFI why it works in standalone, but hey, that's for another day.
How to manage/avoid
Don't use the prop F15_husk.
groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: ghost_ai_data in type <void>
data\lib\managers\groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: ghost_ai_data in type <void>
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\managers\instancedescriptionmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\instancedescriptionmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\units\extensions\groupunit.dsf(0) data\lib\units\extensions\groupunit.dsf(0) data\lib\units\extensions\groupunit.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded
<unit name="group_unit" group="friendly" group_id="friendly_01" vehicle_id="none" crew="false">
The human group "friendly" has not been defined properly in the game by GRIN. Do not use it.
How to manage/avoid
Do not use the human "friendly", use another instead like loyalist_squad or bravo_team.
mountedbulletweapon.dsf(-1): cant find member: _name in type <void>
data\lib\units\types\weapons\mountedbulletweapon.dsf(-1): cant find member: _name in type <void>
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\units\types\weapons\mountedbulletweapon.dsf(0) data\lib\units\types\weapons\mountedbulletweapon.dsf(0) data\lib\units\types\weapons\mountedbulletweapon.dsf(0)
Trying to use a Mounted MG.
How to manage/avoid
stmovelogics.dsf(-1): Operator <void> + <vector3> does not exist!
data\lib\units\ai\soldier_team\stmovelogics.dsf(-1): Operator <void> + <vector3> does not exist!
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\units\ai\soldier_team\stmovelogics.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\aihivebrain.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\level\level.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded
Caused when issuing the following command to a vehicle that has "fallen" through the map...(must have placed it incorrectly).
<element type="ExitPassengers" vehicle_id="panhard_gate_02" start_time="5" />
The following was in the world.xml...notice the "z" coordinates...way below the map surface.
<unit name="panhard" unit_id="2978" name_id="none" actor_id="none" vehicle_id="panhard_gate_02" sequence_spawn="false" sequence_death="false" team_slot="17">
<light force_light="false" light_on="false"/>
<position pos_x="-19201.037" pos_y="254487.31" pos_z="-200269.44"/>
<rotation yaw="62.529224" pitch="40.198372" roll="30.29285"/>
How to manage/avoid
Remove the vehicle and replace it with a new one...that's placed correctly on the map.
worldmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: _type in type <void>
data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: _type in type <void>
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\managers\eventmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\eventmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\level\level.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded |
Caused when trying to teleport a group to a non-existant location.
<element type = "TeleportGroup" player_type="campaign_team" location="loc_coop_spawn_teleport" target_location="loc_does_not_exist" warp="true" start_time="2"/>
How to manage/avoid
Use a valid/defined location.
compositionmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: _unit in type
data\lib\managers\compositionmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: _unit in type
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\units\extensions\composition.dsf(0)
Renderer: threaded Physics : normal |
Caused when the "camera_shake" composition is called in an online Coop or SP Campaign missions. This does work fine with LAN games.
How to manage/avoid
Do not use the "camera_shake" composition if you plan to publish your mission as a Coop or SP Campaign.
Crashes in the Editor
Out of memory allocating 291312 bytes
Out of memory allocating 291312 bytes
SCRIPT STACK: data\lib\utils\locations.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\worldmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\utils\dev\editor\locationslayer.dsf(0) data\lib\utils\dev\editor\editor.dsf(0) data\lib\managers\genericstatemanager.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\levels\editor\editor.dsf(0)
Renderer: normal Physics : normal |
Just flying about in the editor for 10 minutes
How to manage/avoid
sample heading - insert the error code here
How to manage/avoid
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